Our Mission


"The Mississippi Association of Student Nurses (MASN) represents nursing students in schools throughout Mississippi including associate and baccalaureate degree programs. "

MASN strives to provide the highest quality of health care by:

1. Contributing to nursing education by aiding in the development of the whole person and their professional role as nurses.
2. Working to influence the education process, health care, nursing education, and practice through legislative activities as appropriate.
3. Encouraging students to actively participate in community health care projects.


From the


“MASN’s purpose is to engage, empower, and enlighten nursing students in Mississippi. My goal for this year is to grow membership involvement as well as bridge the gaps between nursing schools across the state in order to create a community amongst Mississippi nursing students. We are all striving to make a difference in the world and the only way we can do that is with help from each other. The future of nursing lies in the hands of us, nursing students, past, present, and future. I wish to see everyone who embarks on this difficult path be successful in their selected areas of work and make positive changes in the world around them. MASN not only provides crucial resources in the name of its members' success but also allows and empowers them to engage in the decision-making processes that directly affects them. Our voices are heard when we are united.”

— Richard Wright, MASN President


  1. To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the education process.

  2. To influence health care, nursing education, and nursing practice through legislative activities as appropriate.

  3. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities toward improved health care and the resolution of related social issues.

  4. To represent nursing students to the consumer, institutions, and to other organizations.

  5. To promote and encourage student participation in interdisciplinary activities.

  6. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a person’s race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, age, or economic status.

  7. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with the Mississippi Nurses’ Association (MNA), as well as other state nursing and related health organizations.

  8. To promote nursing education by rewarding scholarships based on academic excellence and financial need, as funds are available.